The I.B. Diploma Programme, (Grades 11 and 12) provides an excellent pre-university course that leads to examinations that are set and assessed, externally. It is a rigorous course of studies offering a broad and balanced curriculum that is recognized by leading universities both in India and abroad.

The IB Diploma Programme

The DP provides an excellent pre-university course that leads to examinations that are set and assessed, externally. It is a rigorous course of studies that offers a broad and balanced curriculum which is recognized by universities in India and internationally as it provides a strong foundation for study at degree level. This often leads the students towards receiving college credits when they embark on their university studies.

Students study six subjects, one from each of six groups, three of which are studied at Higher Level and Three at Standard Level. In addition, students follow a Theory of Knowledge course, submit an Extended Essay and complete the school’s Creativity, Action and Service (CAS) programme.

  • Theory of Knowledge (TOK), students are stimulated to apply critical reflection on knowledge and experience.
  • Extended Essay is a 4,000 – word assignment which acquaints Diploma candidates with the kind of independent research and writing skills expected at degree level.
  • Creativity, Action and Service Programme (CAS) helps students become responsible, compassionate citizens by working with marginalized groups in society (service), in addition to engaging students in sporting and creative activities.

What your child will learn in the Diploma Programme?


Group 1

(Studies in language and literature)    

Group 2

(Language acquisition)

Group 3

(Individuals and Societies )    

Group 4



Group 5



Group 6

(The Arts)               

Higher Level

English A : Literature

Hindi B
French B

Business and Management




Global Politics




Computer Science

Mathematics: analysis and approaches

Mathematics: applications and interpretation

Visual Arts

Standard Level

English A : Literature

Hindi B

French B

French AB initio

Business and Management




Global Politics




Computer Science

Mathematics: analysis and approaches 

Mathematics: applications and interpretation

Visual Arts


IB Curriculum Framework

The teaching styles further emphasizes the role and responsibility of a student in the learning process. The DP is also built on the skills nurtured in the Primary and Middle Years programmes. Ultimately, students are prepared to succeed in higher education, future employment and as global citizens who will play an active role in their local and international communities.

To date, nine groups have graduated from Neerja Modi School. The DP results have been consistently above world averages across the entire range of subjects offered in this period.To learn more about the IB Diploma Programme, use the links below:

The IB Curriculum is designed to develop internationally-minded students. Learn how it does this:


Age Group School Timing Eligibility and Admission
16-18 Yrs. 7:30 am to 2:00 pm

To have cleared IGCSE, CBSE& ICSEor equivalent grade10 examination. Should have English as 1st language from 1st grade till grade 10.

Admission Criteria