The Economics Club is led by two aspiring NMS economists, Urvi Gaur and Vrinda Rajoria. Their fundamental focus is to celebrate the interdisciplinary nature of economics and its existence in worldly matters. This club incorporates heated discussions over a cup of coffee about seemingly complex issues like monopoly laws across countries, various policy reforms and Covid-19 related economic challenges. It is truly inspiring to see economics come to life when channeled through young, aspiring students wanting to change the world one discussion at a time.

Led by Arnav Nawalkha and Aryan Chordia, the Stock Market Club focuses on fostering financial literacy amongst middle school and high school children. By teaching children the underpinnings of the stock market, the club produces young traders with spectacular understanding of how the markets work. They host talks with professional traders who break down the fundamentals of investing not just in the stock market but also other investment avenues like cryptocurrency, real estate and bonds. They also introduce competitions like KWHS-Wharton Business School Investment competition to give young and aspiring investors a chance to learn and take a step further in the world of investing.

Mitul Chandak’s Robotics Club is a platform for young engineers to represent their passion and talent. They aim to inculcate mechanical, electronic and software engineering skills amongst students and help them translate these skills into tangible efforts. On the mechanical and electrical end, they have held workshops teaching students the basics of circuit designing. To foster skills essential for software designing, they have held classes for programming in C language and are currently focusing on teaching Arduino Uno.



Psychology Club led by Lavanya Maheshwari, aims at celebrating psychology as a subject and its relevance in real life. The club organises sessions on subjects relevant to a student’s life, for instance, procrastination, mental health awareness, stereotypes and perception. By accessing students of such a young, influenable age, this club aims at breaking pre-existing stigmas and developing a new, unbiased perspective for students. The club works with NMS alumni, Tanya Sanghi, who is a certified clarity coach. She hosts workshops that demonstrate topics like self-love and gratitude weekly, providing children with teachings beyond the book.

The Chemistry club, better known as the “CaRbON club” is led by Manya Jain Krrish Jain.  It appreciates the playful nature of chemistry and its ability to spectacularly combine elements to produce a beautiful compound. They have held several online events such as “Balanced? Or is it?” that outline the basics of stoichiometry. It provides an amusing perspective to chemistry, allowing students to actually appreciate the depth it holds. The Chemistry Club is led by Manya Jain & Krrish Jain. 

Ever felt like you have the next big idea, but lack the proper guidance to execute it? Or perhaps you just need a brainstorm session that inspires your Eureka moment?
The Engineering and innovation club led by Manya jain, Rakshit sablawat, Yashda gupta, Aryan chordia, Sarvagya jain, Arnav dayal and Shaurya sharma offers a magnificent path for such individuals. They host special sessions with seasoned entrepreneurs, working on functional prototypes, discussing business strategies, and brainstorming together with like-minded, creative students, pursuing innovation. In the initial sessions, they helped students in identifying problems around them and brainstorming ideas to solve that problem using thought-provoking riddles and games. 

The Quiz club, also known as “Bhãratnama”, is led by two aspiring students: Raghav Agarwal and Parv Dixit. They host weekly sessions of varied kinds of knowledge exercises such as debates, fact sharing and discussions. Their ultimate goal is to cultivate an environment for club members where they are able to enjoy and feel confident in themselves and their knowledge.

Dev Sajnani’s Computer Science club exposes students to the world of coding and programming. They hold sessions about web development and programming, really providing students with an overview of this widely acclaimed skill. They have conducted panel discussions and debates with accomplished alumni on the viability of the current state of artificial intelligence to solve more complex biochemical issues. As avid programmers, the team wishes to educate younger students on computer sciences by providing them one-on-one lessons.

“Photography is an art of observation. It has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”- Elliot Erwitt The photography club is led by two ambitious photographers Prianjali Hada and Kashvi Singhal. They focus on sharing the valuable insights gathered from their experiences, to help their students present their work in a way that stands out. The shutter crew provides a safe environment for the students to share creative ideas and provide a platform to develop their photography skills. From exploring the intricate details of framing to creating colourful compositions with the right setup, they explore every dynamic in their sessions.  So if you’re a person who sees the world from a unique perspective, Shutter crew is the right place for you, to display that perspective through a lens.

The Math club is led by Dev Sajnani, Vardhaman Lunia, Vedang Jain and Rakshit Sablawat. "One plus One equals fun". Math Genius and looking to show off your skills? Not good at Math and looking for a turnaround? The NMS Math Club is here for you.

The club is established for the purpose of fostering a greater understanding of mathematics in its members-- but not in the classroom style, we plan on stimulating learning through discussions, puzzles, jokes:  anything but conventional problem solving. After all, we're a club, and a fun one too.

“I found I could say things with colour and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way- things I had no words for” – Georgia O’Keefe
Art is a language that transcends words and allows self-expression without any limitations or boundaries; the Brushstrokes art community understands that and offers a safe place to all budding artists by letting them express their thoughts in any way without any judgement. So, if you have a creative spark and the motivation to explore, the brushstrokes art club is where you belong.  Ponder upon world-famous masterpieces, hone your technical skills, discuss art history and engage in meaningful interactions. Expand your horizons with like-minded individuals; from studying Salvador’s contributions to surrealism to making postcards- from culture to technique, we value it all. Presidents of the club are Samya Goyal & Jahnavi Karnani   and   Vice- President are   Ketaki Agrawal, Laxmi Sharma, Vanshika Jogani & Khushi Agarwal of Art Club.

TAAS: The Art Appreciation Society
A single work of art can evoke an array of emotions in each individual. While we may require time and effort to grasp it's meaning, understanding art is not meant to be intimidating. At The Art Appreciation Society, we believe art is meant to initiate dialogue, to be appreciated and to even be questioned, but without judgement.

We aim to build a community of radical thinkers, where we analyze and discuss all forms of art, be it films, music, art, literature or philosophy, and to create an atmosphere of intellectual debate and mindful discussions.

Is listening to music, reading a novel or binging films something that you really love? Then The Art Appreciation Society is the right place for you! The Art Appreciation Society led by Rhea Saxena & Shaurya Krishna Sharma.


The astronomy club led by Hannah Raj Babbuta and Eklavya Tyagi aims at redefining how we look at astronomy as a subject. It provides an unconventional perspective into understanding the dynamics of this form of science. They have conducted thought-provoking sessions, of which one includes extensive debate on the origin of astronomy and its standing in the modern world. They conduct quizzes and other intriguing activities to provide individuals with new information in a rather amusing way.

The biosciences club led by Ananya Solanki and Pakin Pongpaiboon aims at exploring biology through a more practical lense. They've conducted 15 sessions so far that involve debates ranging from ethics in stem research to understanding mutations and cancer biology. If you wish to understand the depth of biology and its real life applications, this club is what you're looking for!

The microfinance club led by Aryan Luniya Nirvair Narang Vedang Jain Prisha Poddar & Parikshit Soni focuses on providing sessions on understanding how microfinance works. They have conducted a workshop with a french designer, Anne Marie, in which they reskilled 100 girls by teaching them how to make mini wallets. They have a very innovative approach in understanding the importance of microfinance and small businesses in the world today.



We can comprehend language, analyze natural phenomena, perform calculations, and develop religious and ideological communities; the brain is fundamental to all this. Our brain, enclosed within thedarkness of the skull, doesn't have any direct access to visual or spatial information about our surroundings. All it understands is the electromagnetic language of billions of neurons. Even while reading this, the visual information reaches the visual cortex. From there, the information reaches the temporal lobe and finally, the Wernicke's area and its homolog in the  right  cerebral  hemisphere process thelanguage comprehension-related information, and that's how you can comprehend the written and verbal language. Are you mesmerized? If so, The Neuroscience Club is the place for you. Navya Bhardwaj is the president of the club. Aadya Sinha, Manya Agarwal & Siwat Pongpaiboon are Vice- Presidents of the club.


Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. Entrepreneurship is the art of starting a business, basically a startup company offering creative product, process or service. We can say that it is an activity full of creativity. An entrepreneur perceives everything as a chance and displays bias in taking decision to exploit the chance. The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.And such an initiative in NMS to promote is NMS Entrepreneurship club- Entreprenow Club 

 Main objective of the Entreprenow Club is to motivate and assist pro­spective and potential entrepreneurs to innovate and create something of their own helping the members to gain the necessary life skills and confidence to make it in the “real” world.

What good is an idea if it remains an idea? Try. Experiment. Iterate. Fail. Try again. Change the world.” Aarav Phutela is founder, Harshita Agarwal   is co-founder and Aryan Chordia is Advisor of the Entrepreneurship Club.



History is about organizing facts from the past to tell an interesting story. You can tell this story to yourself or to others, to learn, get inspired or just to have some fun. History is not just about World-Wars and Parliamentary debates, everything has history--from the smartphone you’re using to view this website to the chair you’re sitting on. The NMS Historical Society is committed to exploring history holistically, not just from a political or an economical standpoint. Our sessions, although academic in nature, have a tinge of fun in them. One of the main aims of the club is also to deliberate upon lowly documented topics of history--gems lost in obscurities. From discussing ‘strikes in Ancient Egypt’ to ‘the history of Startups’, the club is filled with unusual yet intense action. During sessions, club members meet to discuss a particular topic. After an initial briefing by club presidents, members dive into heated debates and further study. Each session concludes with members listing their takeaways. Ananya Solanki and Vardhman Luniya are presidents of The Historical Society.



“Do you know India is the only country in the world to have both lions and tigers? Or that cuttlefish is not actually a fish? Or that there are almost 8000 plant species in the world? If you find the world of biodiversity interesting, then this is the right club for you! With so many pressing issues all over the globe, one might wonder why biodiversity is important. The connectedness of ecosystems and biomes means that all organisms in any given system must work together and balance each other in order to maintain a healthy system. As more and more species fall prey to extinction every year, it is not only important to learn about biodiversity but also to take action to preserve it!.  The Club is led by Navya Bharadwaj, Ananya Solanki,  PakinPongbaiboon   & Prisha Shekhawat. 



 " Dynamic Discussion For Future Action " NMS Debating  Society is led by Kaustubh Jain, Dev Sajnani & Arnav Dayal, If you are interested in thinking critically and debating about major world issues , NMS Debating  Society isa great fit for  you!  We are a bunch of passionate students, who are driven and committed coaches to come up with persuasive structured arguments in less than 5 minutes after you view the topic! We currently have three people on the Indian National Debating Squad, representing In diat international tournaments.  



“B e c o m e s u s - t e e n - a b l e! " 

 The greatest threat to our planet is that each believes someone else will save it. Don't wait for governments and organizations to launch afforestation campaigns or use cleaner technologies and do the work for you. You can very well step forward to plant vegetables, spend 30 minutes less on your phone, or harvest rain water at your place. Welcome to the NMS Sustainability Club, where we value initiative. Green impact is a way of thinking and the small practical choices each of us make in our everyday lives influence it. Here, we aim to sustain!  The Club led by Nisha Pathak.